We are all the same irregardless of in which realm or universe we exist. Even though each of us have seemingly individual souls, we all came from one and we together are one. We are connected to each other in ways beyond our naked eyes could see, and beyond our conscious minds could comprehend. This interconnectedness, intricately orchestrated, encourages us to love and be compassionate as we would to ourselves. After all, we came from one and we are one!
Yet, with individual souls, we have free will, and with free will, we could choose our paths. Our souls decide our lessons to learn in each life before they took shapes, and we make choices along the way in order to learn. Even if we seem to be walking the ‘wrong’ paths, we are still on our paths, in the process of learning. At the conclusion on one life, though sometimes our designated lessons were not learned, our souls continue, and we could choose to continue learning hither or thither.